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Please read this entire contract. All signatures and initial will be placed on the lines before each adoption, indicating you agree with the terms of this agreement.


Current Owner /

Phone Number :               (all info will be provided in copy of contract that is actually signed)



-This contract is hereby entered into on this date ______ by and between                      , hereafter known as BREEDER and PURCHASER, hereafter known as new owner or Buyer, to set forth the terms and conditions of purchase. If applicable, lines ITALICIZED, do not apply.

Glider Adopted: _________ Adoption Price: ________ OOP Date: _________ Pick-Up Date Or Delivery Date : ______________ Sex: _________

Color/Markings: ______________ Non-refundable Deposit Being Paid: ________ Balance to be paid: ___________

All fees are to be paid in full before taking possession of glider.


Section 1 ~ Deposits and Adoption Payments

Deposits and payments may be made in the form of Money Orders, Paypal or cash at the time of taking possession of the glider.


A Non Refundable deposit is to be made to hold your glider. A deposit of 20% of the final price, is to be sent immediately. Breeder will put a temporary 7 day hold on your chosen glider, while awaiting arrival of your deposit. If your deposit has not been received by midnight central time on the 7th day, Breeder reserves the right to place the glider as available unless prior arrangements have been agreed upon in writing by both parties. If, at any time, the Buyer becomes unable to complete the purchase of the glider, then the deposit is forfeited.


All payments must be received before the glider is to go home. Gliders will be paid in full and picked up within two weeks of being weaned. At anytime Buyer has decided they cannot keep said glider, Breeder is to be contacted at that time and will purchase said glider back for partial price or allow Buyer to find a new loving forever home. A full refund (minus any and all expenses pertaining to said glider) will be given if returned within ten days of purchasing. If weaned and unable to pick up said glider 2 weeks after weaning, there will be a charge of $50 per week there after unless further arrangements have been made.


_____-Section 2 ~ Gliders Being Picked Up In Person

Unless other arrangements have been mutually agreed upon in writing, all gliders must be picked up within 2 weeks of their date of availability. Should Buyer miss the pickup deadline, a fifty dollar a week fee will be charged till glider is picked up. If after four weeks glider is still not been picked up Breeder reserves the right to place the glider as available again and all deposit paid by the purchaser shall be retained by Breeder.


When Breeder is able to travel, they will meet within 30 miles of their home. Breeder will not travel more than 1 hour or 100 miles round trip. Breeder does ship for an additional cost of $250. Travel fees will apply if the gliders have to be taken to meet up with Purchaser. If gliders need a wellness check up before leaving, a fee will apply of $50 (includes fecal testing unless other tests are specified at an additional cost to the Purchaser).


_____-Section 3 ~ First Right of Refusal

If at a later date Buyer finds themselves unable and unwilling to keep this pet, Buyer agrees to contact Breeder immediately. Half of the final purchase price will be given if gliders are returned to Breeder at her residence, only if this is within the first 30 days. After 30 days returning of said animals, refund will be a reasonable price considering their age and how long you have had them. If the above breeder is unwilling and unable to reclaim the pet, Breeder will help with re-homing said gliders. Final decision is up to the new owner on the adoption fee.


_____-Section 4 ~ Rehoming of Said Gliders

Breeder will be notified and also has first rights of said gliders. At that time if it is after 30 days from purchase,a reasonable cost will be refunded to you if delivered directly to Breeder at her residence. If not, then pickup fees will apply or shipping cost will be deducted if Breeder has to pay for shipping the glider back. It would be up to owner to arrange all travel to Breeder if the decision is made to send them back for the refund on the gliders. If at that time Breeder does not want the gliders, then a home can be found by said owner. Breeder will help with finding a new home but final decision is purchasers decision. If a railroad is used to return said gliders those participating in said railroad will be compensated for their gas and time. This money will also be deducted out of said refund on gliders.


_____-Section 5 ~ Care of Gliders

Buyer has been informed by Breeder on proper care, diet, and bonding of said gliders. Buyer must follow care to the letter so that the gliders will live a long and happy life. If Buyer changes anything Breeder has told them, Buyer will take full responsibility if anything happens to said gliders due to the change. They should be fed one of the approved diets at all times. These diets are Priscilla Prices, BML, HPW, Reeps, Darcys and The Blended diet. Along with this staple food, they also need to be fed fresh fruits and veggies as each diet requires. The gliders will need at least four hours a day of bonding time with Buyer, in a pouch or during play time. They must be housed in a cage no less than 36"x36"x24" and have a glider safe wheel. Glider safe toys must be provided for stimulation. Glider safe pouches must be used. A vet checkup needs to be done within 72 hours to keep health guarantee. If at any point in time, there is found to be negligence on Buyers care of said gliders, such as abuse or lack of needed medical treatment, the glider will be surrendered to Breeder immediately. Any vet fees occurring due to said neglect, abuse or lack of medical treatment, is to be paid by Buyer.


_____-Section 6 ~ Reoccurring Health Issues or Joey Defects Noticed

Buyer will contact and also inform Breeder of any issues regarding said gliders or their joeys. If at any time they develop health issues that either keep coming back or if they are being bred and the joeys show any birth defect, the Breeder will be informed. At that time, the Buyer will neuter and stop breeding due to these issues. If a glider passes away due to suspected health issues or defects, Buyer will get necropsy done to show what has happened if possible to help with improving our education on these precious babies.


_____-Section 7 ~ The Sale of Pet Only Gliders

If Buyer purchases a glider as pet only, the male will be neutered by the Breeder's vet, Dr. King. The fee for neutering the male will be the responsibility of the Breeder. If complications occur, Buyer has option to pay additional medical fees or choose to not take said glider and fees will be refunded, minus deposit. If neutered while with Breeder, Buyer must wait one week after neutering to take possession of glider, to ensure full recovery. At anytime Buyer decides they would like to breed said pet only glider, they will contact Breeder immediately to obtain approval to breed. If Breeder concludes that breeding poses no harm to said glider, the Buyer will pay the difference of a pet only glider to a breeding glider. If Buyer does not contact Breeder and is found to have bred said pet only glider, a fee for breeding will apply in the said amount of $350 for each breeding breech of contract and $250 per each offspring from said breeding. The breaching party is responsible for all legal expenses. If the above described animal is bred while this private agreement is in effect, ownership and physical possession of the animal and offspring will revert back immediately to current owner/breeder listed above, with no compensation to the adopter. ALL PET-ONLY MALES MUST BE NEUTERED BY MY VET PRIOR TO GOING HOME.


_____-Section 8 ~ Breeding of Gliders

Buyer will try and learn all they can about breeding to be fully sure this is what they want to do. Buyer will be cautious to avoid breeding a female younger than 8 months old for their safety and health. Buyer will make sure they have all supplies needed for the joeys if they may happen to be rejected. Buyer will be sure to consult and ask all questions they have regarding breeding.

If Buyer breeds this pet they will ensure that all information is taken and recorded to keep the lineage of the family current and to help in finding and keeping track of any deformities and genetics and temperament, through the genetics of the gliders.


_____-Section 9 ~ Retired Adult Pairs

If purchasing a retired adult pair all males shall be neutered before they go to their new homes. Due to their being retired because of age, they should not be bred at all. When adopting an adult pair, Buyer also understands fully that they may never bond fully and that it may take time to get them to come around. Buyer must agree to give them love along with being patient and allowing them to come to Buyer at their own pace. To speed up the bonding process will only cause them to pull back and become more afraid. At any time Buyer is unable or no longer wants said pair, Breeder shall be contacted immediately and if possible the gliders will be returned to Breeder. An adoption fee will apply for said pair and a non refundable deposit of $75 on retired breeders will be taken if returned within 10 days. If Buyer find you can no longer care for said pair, within ten days, Breeder will purchase said gliders back for half of the full purchase price minus any shipping cost if they are not delivered to the Breeder.


_____-Section 10 ~ Rehomes or Rescues

If at any time you decide you cannot or no longer want said rescues or re-homed glider. Breeder is to be contacted as soon as possible and the gliders are to be returned immediately. If at that time Breeder can not take them in and a new home is needed Breeder will be the one looking for that new home for said re-homed or rescues. When taking in rescues and re-homed gliders Buyer understands full well that said gliders may never bond fully with them and/or their family. That they also will take more patience and time than newly weaned joeys. Buyer will be fully responsible of all vet bills and care of said gliders after the 72 hour guarantee. When taking in rescues and

re-homed gliders Buyer will be given an up to date vet certificate saying that they are parasite free and healthy.


_____-Health Guarantee Of Said Gliders

A) All joeys leave Breeder healthy but in order to qualify for the 72 hour health guarantee the glider must be seen by a glider knowledgeable vet within 72 hours of adoption (Buyer picking the glider up, or the time of arrival at the airport). No exceptions will be given to this rule under any circumstance. If for any reason the glider passes away within the 72 hour time frame, a necropsy must be preformed at Buyer’s expense. If necropsy determines the glider’s death was not related to accidental injury, improper diet/nutrition, improper handling, failure to quarantine properly or inadequate living conditions resulting from something that happened while the glider was under Buyer’s care and they have held up their part of contract and glider was seen by a glider knowledgeable vet within the 72 hours, Buyer will receive a full credit towards a new glider. This will also include the necropsy fee.

B) Any gliders that are being shipped or railroaded must have a health certificate before leaving.

C) If any problems are found with said gliders that are attributed to the breeder as stated by a knowledgeable vet, then Breeder will pay all vet fees and meds needed for said gliders, until glider has a clean bill of health.

If said animal shows any signs of illness, it is to be taken to the vet as soon as possible.The glider has a health guarantee of 72 hours, so Buyer will need to get said animal into the vet within the first 72 hours. All vet fees are the responsibility of the Buyer, unless otherwise noted below. Failure to comply will void the health guarantee. Should the above described animal become ill within the 72 hours, due to parasites or a similar condition that is directly related to the breeder or the establishment, plus the glider has not been exposed to any other animals, the current Breeder will pay vet bills directly related to the medical condition. A medical exam will be needed by a qualified vet to prove illness. Should the above described animal pass away within the 72 hours, due to a parasite or a similar condition that is directly related to the Breeder and establishment plus the glider has not been exposed to any other animal, Buyer will have a right for a replacement animal when the next available animal from the breeder. A medical exam/necropsy will be needed by a qualified vet to prove a covered illness at the expense of the adopter. Trauma, stress related illnesses and bacterial infections are not covered. Buyer should watch for signs of stress and seek a vet immediately. All vet bills that incur for stress related illnesses will be the responsibility of the Buyer. This guarantee does not cover accidents, neglect or mistreatment of any kind. If this is shown to be the reason of the death a replacement will not be given. Breeder is available 24/7, for any questions, concerns or help needed by Buyer, for duration of said gliders lives.


_____I hereby agree to care for the above described pet in a humane and responsible manner and to provide it with clean and adequate shelter, food, water and veterinary care if the animal becomes ill or injured. I agree to contact the above described Breeder or send an updated sheet to be filed in case the pet becomes seriously ill or develops a condition that may be genetic and when the animal dies. This is for the purpose of the breeder to take into consideration all known aspects of the lines genetic health. I agree to meet all special needs or requirements of adopting this animal.

Retired /Rescued pair or male or female. Do not breed do to possible complications both physically or genetically. If pet becomes pregnant due to unfortunate accident contact the above owner immediately. All retired and rescued males will be neutered before a new home is found for said gliders. Female rescues should not be bred at all.


This agreement shall be considered a legally binding contract.


By signing below, you hereby agree to all terms and conditions set forth in the contract above:

I understand and agree that the Breeder listed above makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, about the animals temperament or future health beyond the 72 hour guarantee listed above and is hereby absolved from any and all liability or future damages or injuries caused by the said animal or veterinary bills not covered by the above mentioned health guarantee. I understand and agree that the current Breeder listed above gives no guarantees, expressed or implied of suitability of the animal to the adopter and his or her family. I understand that any breach of this legally binding contract, WILL result in legal proceedings procured by Breeder and any legal fees paid by me.


Purchaser's Full Legal Name:__________________________________






Email Address: ____________________________________________


Phone Number: (____)_______________________________________



General Info 
Have you owned gliders in the past?
If so, why do you no longer own them?
Are you currently a glider owner? 
If so, how many and for how long have you owned them? 
Males  _____ 
Females _____
Neutered Males _____ 
Do you have any breeding Gliders? 
If so, how many?  
Type of Dwelling you live in:    
Do you own or rent your home?
If your residence is rented or leased, does your lease allow for pets?  
If not, we will need a letter of permission from your landlord to have a Sugar Glider.
Do all parties (if more than one adult in the house want a pet? 
Where will the Sugar Glider be kept?    
Where will the Sugar Glider if you leave over night or longer? 
What do you do with your pets when you go on vacation? 
List all currently owned pets and ages and gender
How many pets have you had in the last 5 years and what happened to them (if you don't still have them) and why? .    
What gender Sugar Glider do you prefer?
Do you plan on having your Sugar Glider neutered at 4 months of age? 
Who will be the primary caretaker of the Sugar Glider?    
Do you have any children? If so list ages.    
Why have your chosen Sugar Gliders?
Who might you turn to, other then your vet, for glider related advice? 
Which internet forums can you go to for emergency advice or help with bonding, general health, medical problems or diet issues? 
Are you currently registered with any? 
Is there any other information or something you would like to add that I might find to be helpful in processing your application?    
How were your referred to Twilight Gliders?     
Glider Knowledge Questionnaire 
This questionnaire is designed to help us match up gliders with owners. It is not a test you can pass or fail but a tool used to help us make your experience with your new glider the best possible. Please take the time to fill in as much as you can. You can also use this as a guide to assist you in your research.
1. What is the scientific name for sugar glider? 
2. How many days is a female pregnant? 
3. How many days (approximately) are the joeys in pouch? 
4. At what age do joeys wean from their mother's milk? 
5. If you see two red worm-like structures protruding out of a sugar glider's cloacae (anus), what are you looking at? 
6. What causes a bald spot to appear on the male sugar glider's head? 
7. At about what age do males sexually mature? 
8. At about what age do females sexually mature? 
9. What diet do you feel is best for sugar gliders and why? 
10. What is the recommended calcium to phosphorus ratio (ca:P) and why is it important? 
11. What are foods that gliders should never have? 
12. Why are bugs an important element in a glider's diet? 
13. How often and at what time of the day do gliders need to be fed? 
14. What is the average life span of a healthy captive raised sugar glider? 
15. When and how often should you take your glider to the vet? 
16.How does a harness/leash pose danger to sugar gliders? 
17. What are signs/symptoms of an ill glider? 
18. What is HLP, what are the symptoms and what are the possible causes? 
19. What does hissing while urinating possibly indicate? 
20. What is SM and what are some of the reasons this may occur? 
21. If you suspect your glider is SM, what is the first thing you should do? 
22. Why should new gliders be quarantined (kept separate) from other gliders and for how long? 
23. Can sugar gliders die from stress? 
24. Why do gliders need to have their nails trimmed and how often might this need to be done? 
25. Should their teeth ever need to be clipped or floated? 
26. How much money should you have set aside in case emergency treatment becomes necessary? 
27. What are some of the reasons a female might cannibalize her own joeys? 
28. What is the minimum recommended size cage for two gliders? 
29. What materials would be safe for glider cages to be made out of? 
30. What cage material should not be used and why? 
31. What type of fabric are most cage accessories made of and what are the potential problems with using the wrong type of fabric? 
32. How often should the cage and accessories be cleaned? 
33. How often should you clean the drop tray/change the bedding? 
34. What is NOT safe to use as bedding and why? 
35. What type of wheels are considered unsafe for gliders and why? 
36. . Where is the best location in your home for your glider's cage? 
Socialization and Introductions 
37. How much time does a glider need during the day for bonding? 
38. How much out of cage play time does a glider need and how often? 
39. Do gliders do better as singles or in pairs/multiples? 
40. Why is it important to keep non-neutered males separated from each other?
41. Why should you not put an adult male in with a young female? 
42. What is the best way to introduce two gliders to each other? 
43. What time do gliders normally wake up wanting to play? 
44. Do gliders make good pets for young children? 
Why or why not? 
The What If's While you are not required to provide these answers, you should consider them. 
45. What if you have to move to a state where they are illegal? 
46. What if you have to move for work or school? 
47. What if you and your spouse decide to have a baby?
Will you still be able to dedicate the time to the gliders they need? 
48. What if your glider gets sick and you don't have enough money for the vet?
49. What if you find yourself facing life changes that will make glider ownership no longer possible? 
While we hope it never happens, who will take the gliders? 
50. What if you find out that gliders are just not the right companion animal for you?
51. What if you decide to go on vacation and can not take your gliders with you? 
52. Do you have any questions you would like to ask us?


What is the life span of sugar gliders?

Sugar gliders can live up to 12-15 years! This is definitely a much longer lifespan than most “pocket pets.” Unfortunately many people don’t realize what a big commitment gliders are, so there is a high turnover rate for them. If you’re not in it for the long haul, we recommend looking into hamsters instead.

Will they need to be spayed/neutered?

With sugar gliders, the spay surgery for a female is complicated and invasive, as they have two uteri. A spay surgery would be very difficult for such a small animal to withstand, so it is only done in extremely rare cases if there is a medical issue. To keep male and female gliders from reproducing, the male is neutered (it is an easy procedure), but the female is left intact.

Some breeders will have their male gliders neutered before selling (unless the buyer plans on breeding as well). 

Do they go to the bathroom in one specific area?

Unfortunately, no. I won’t sugar coat it: they go wherever and whenever they feel the urge – including on their people! Whenever I take them out of their cage to play, I always put on clothes that are already dirty. We also stay either in their pop-up tent or the bathroom so that I can easily clean up any messes. Thankfully, their “messes” are very small and easy to clean though. If you are interested in sugar gliders, be prepared to be pooped and peed on! 


How hard was it to find an exotic vet?

I do have a vet who does neuters. Finding an exotic vet was actually super easy! Unfortunately most regular vets do not treat sugar gliders, but they can recommended one to you who does. Finding exotic vets isn’t always so easy though, so I definitely recommend finding one BEFORE you add any gliders to your family. You wouldn’t want to get caught in a situation where you need immediate veterinary care but have nowhere to go.


What is their favorite thing to snack on besides the normal sweet stuff?

Well, they are definitely big fans of anything sweet! Some gliders favorite things are cantaloupe, yogurt drop treats, and honey. They LOVE to lick honey off fingers  Gliders in general also like to eat meal worms. They are good for meals to. Their food should be fresh fruit and vegs, along with proteins that are low fat.

What is the furthest gliders have ever glided?

Gliding is something they have to learn and work up to. At first they’ve only ever jumped maybe 2-3 feet. Now when they have bonded to you, you can start to work on gliding more. By putting them on lower surfaces, like the bathroom counter, and standing back a few feet with a treat to try to coax them to jump to you. Then you will graduate to further and higher distances, like the shower curtain rod! Eventually they should be able to glide over 150 feet! We shall see…


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